06-22-13 Marin IJ: Huffman response to Goodman “Breathtakingly Inadequate” says Inverness resident Greenberg

“Rep. Jared Huffman’s response to Corey Goodman’s request for transparency and truth is breathtakingly inadequate.

First, acknowledging that the National Park Service has demonized a local family and overstated environmental harm, and then declining to do anything about it is like watching domestic abuse and dismissing it as a “family problem.”


Marin Readers’ Forum for June 23

From Marin Independent Journal readers

Posted:   06/22/2013 02:53:57 PM PDT
Huffman reply inadequate

Rep. Jared Huffman’s response to Corey Goodman’s request for transparency and truth is breathtakingly inadequate.

First, acknowledging that the National Park Service has demonized a local family and overstated environmental harm, and then declining to do anything about it is like watching domestic abuse and dismissing it as a “family problem.”

Just what exactly does Rep. Huffman think his job is, if not to keep a local family from being stomped by government thugs?

None of the Drakes Bay Oyster Co.’s supporters that I know have urged Huffman to support the “Energy Production and Project Delivery Act.”

First, as Huffman knows, that is a Senate bill and has nothing to do with the Rep. Doc Hastings call for a House investigation into questionable Park Service science.

Why would Huffman try to conflate the two unless he was trying to deceive? Rep. Huffman need not paint us with his “Republican monster under the bed” paintbrush. It insults his constituency and speaks little for his character.

Also, Goodman was clear about what former Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar said, and Rep. Huffman repeated it word for word. Quoting Salazar’s absurd footnote is humorous. It reminds me of a lawyer in court making an outrageous claim, having the judge strike it, and then instructing the jury to ignore it. Really?

Jared Huffman needs to remember that his title is representative. I see little representation in this political piece that he has written.

If Huffman would like to help heal the community he should start by listening to Goodman and supporting an investigation into the truth.

Michael Greenberg, Inverness

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