12-16-12 One example of Selective Omission by “Wilderness” Activists

12-16-12 Kevin Lunny, in a follow up email to Michael Zwerling, owner of KSCO News Talk Radio 1080, and host of “Saturday Special”, where he and Dr. Corey Goodman were guests on 12-15-2012, points out yet another case of Selective Omission [by wilderness activists].


The wilderness activists gave you a quote from the Coalition of National Park Service Retirees to put on your website.  They left out the paragraph just before the section they gave to you, it reads:

“Coalition chair, Maureen Finnerty said, “This decision is a clear affirmation that decisions within the areas of the National Park System must be based on accurate fidelity to the law, the best available sound science and scholarship, and in the long term public interest. Secretary Salazar has clearly placed resources stewardship ahead of the narrow commercial interests of the farm’s operator. This is a win-win for the American people.”

As you know, we agree that the decisions must be based on “the best available sound science and scholarship”.  Perhaps Maureen Finnerty actually believes the Secretary’s decision meets this standard.  I believe that Amy, Neal and Gordon know full well that it does not.  These activists have been deeply involved in this issue for years.  I believe Amy, Neal and Gordon know full well that Salazar violated this critical sound science standard and violated the law by cherry picking which laws applied to his decision and which ones he chose to ignore.

Why do you think Amy, Neal and Gordon gave you the whole CNPSR press release, but selectively omitted this one paragraph?

Were they trying to mislead you and your audience?

The full CNPSR press release is attached.


Kevin Lunny

Drakes Bay Oyster Company

1 Oyster Company Road

Inverness, CA 94937

415-669-1149 farm

415-662-9848 office

415-662-9804 fax



For the attachment click on the link below:



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  1. ALRUI

     /  December 16, 2012

    These people have obviously been trained by the best when it comes to deception at whatever cost as long as THEIR agenda is met!

  2. R Hart

     /  December 17, 2012

    Environmentalists continue to present selected data to support their position. We are no longer supporters due to this obvious radical position they have taken DBOC.


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